Driving Sales

You can use use sponsorship to stimulate consumer interest, which in turn, generates sales. Sponsorship also drives traffic to their web sites and increases online purchasing. This contributes to a significant rise in overall sales volume as well.

Enhancing Business, Consumer, and Employee Relations

Sponsorships that offer hospitality allow companies the chance to entertain key customers and solidify business relationships. Using sponsorship in connection with a consumer rewards program increases goodwill and customer retention. Companies that use sponsorship as part of their employee reward and incentive programs experience increased productivity.

Heightening Visibility and Creating Positive Publicity

Sponsorship provides wide exposure in broadcast, print and electronic media. This exposure creates positive publicity and heightens visibility of your company’s products and services. The various media covering a racing event usually include sponsor names and/or photos. Additionally, the media coverage you often receive as a sponsor would prove too expensive if purchased outright, assuming it was even available.

Differentiating from Competitors

The mere act of sponsoring, especially an exclusive sponsorship, is a significant way to create competitor differentiation. Your company name can stand out head and shoulders above the competition. Sponsorship is a powerful weapon against a competitor with a larger advertising budget. Sponsorship allows smaller companies to compete with their industry giants, and consumers often perceive sponsorship in a positive way.

For information about Tour di Via Italia sponsorship contact Pietro DiPonio


Via Italia Windsor's Little Italy logo Tour di via Italia bike race sponsor


Running logo Tour di via Italia bike race sponsor